I Street Bridge Deck Conversion for Active Transportation

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Capital Projects Department to Manage Project

The planning and environmental review phase of the I Street Bridge Deck Conversion for Active Transportation Project is complete. The project has progressed into the Preliminary Engineering/Design phase. These tasks managed by the City of West Sacramento's Capital Projects Department.

This change means that the official project website can be found here:


This website will be kept as an project archive, to preserve hyperlinks, and for public convenience. For updates, please see the Capital Projects Department's webpage.

Request for Proposals (RFP) - Final Design and Right of Way Project Development Phases

The RFP for this project has been released by the Capital Projects Department. Their project webpage with the RFP can be found here:


Public Draft Initial Study/Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration Released for Review

The public comment period for the draft Initial Study and proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration begins on October 11, 2022, and ends on November 14, 2022. (Public comment period extended four days to allow additional time for review.) Notice is hereby given that the City of West Sacramento intends to adopt a CEQA Mitigated Negative Declaration for the proposed project on December 7, 2022, at the regular City Council meeting, in accordance with the CEQA Guidelines.

This proposed adoption date has been postponed to March 15, 2023. 

The Notice of Intent and Draft Initial Study/Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration are published for review in the Project Documents section of this webpage, below.

Project Description

The I Street Bridge Deck Conversion for Active Transportation Project would maintain and improve active transportation use on the upper deck of the existing I Street Bridge. As a part of the separate I Street Bridge Replacement Project, the existing roadway approach ramps to the I Street Bridge from I Street and Jibboom Street in Sacramento and from C Street in West Sacramento would be removed. The proposed deck conversion project would retain a portion of each approach ramp structure on each end of the existing I Street Bridge to accommodate access points for pedestrians and bicyclists. The retained portions would be used as raised platforms to which ADA-compliant pedestrian ramps would be attached. These platforms already span over the active railroad tracks. Four ADA-compliant bicycle/pedestrian ramps would be constructed, two in West Sacramento and two in Sacramento. In West Sacramento, one ramp would be constructed north of the existing I Street Bridge, and the other to south of the existing bridge. In Sacramento, one ramp would be constructed north of the existing bridge, the other would be to the south and would be designed to accommodate maintenance vehicles to allow Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) to access the bridge for their routine maintenance activities and to provide City maintenance or emergency vehicle access, when required.. The new ramps would provide user connectivity to existing pathways and travel routes for bicyclists and pedestrians (commuting and recreational use). Stairways may be incorporated into one ramp on each side.

Project Location

The project is located at the I Street Bridge (Bridge No. 22C0153), specifically the upper deck of the bridge, and the areas immediately adjacent to the bridge in both West Sacramento and Sacramento. The I Street Bridge currently serves as an important link between West Sacramento’s historic Washington District, CalSTRS and The Ziggurat buildings, and Sacramento’s Sacramento Valley Station, Old Sacramento, and Sacramento’s Central City.

Project Documents